Black and white play

„Black and white play” Boson 2, oil on canvas 100/70cm 39,5”x27,5” 2017

Black and white world of black and white characters
black and white decisions
what to do?
she paints war marks on her face – in the color of hope
going with the dancing step
wherever she wants / it’s like there’s no extremism in the world
as if there is no fundamentalism
no nationalism
only people.

People poisoned by bad ideologies
Or the good ones, but with too much concentration

she is free person
„Be change, you expect to see in other people.”
She does not care about exemplars, or roles that you got from outside
how it is to feel pure freedom?

dirty skin
dirty person
dirty decisions
she face it – all bad stuff – by her own – with strong self-confidence – and a bit crazy smile
take your own responsibility, and decide – because there are always people who „know better” and are happy to do it for you.

freedom is in the head
freedom is the state of mind

About series Boson here:


Body painting is as old as human history but still actual. We know it from drawings in caves, from primitive tribal cultures and their war colors. Even this day, body paint is present, as a kind of art, but also as the political protest – used to say something, to strengthen the message, to celebrate or be beautifl. Now we are trained dependence, submissive, be pure and clean. The bodies should be under control – sometimes not even our control.

In this context, getting dirt is a kind of liberation.


„Freedom is the state of mind”

There are days when I believe in it, without any reservation. There are also days when I hear the same words, from someone else, and I have to question it immediately. The person who speaks, for sure have everything easier, sure this someone have significant help, or didn’t experience any surious problems. Ooo naivety … who says it, will surely find out one day, bad things will catch him and then he will hides his stupid utopian advice in pocket.

There are people who have really horrible situation. There are people who you say „freedom is the state of mind”, and it is like to slap them in face.

But let’s be honest. This is not you. You have a pretty cool life. Those who have a really aweful situation are not in majority. Our big „very surious” problems, are stupid , when we look at them from a distance (do not feel offended, this is positive). And freedom IS the state of mind. Calmness is also the state of mind. You can and should practice it, just as exercise body by running, to run for a bigger distance.



This was the serious side of my thoughts. But lately I have learned how to take life a bit lighter, and smile more often. So I have three smiles here, and three friendly blinks of the eye and one kiss.

Really BIG kiss for Terry Strickland for being awesome person, friend and artist.

First smile is for Pamela Wilson. I love her art, her paintings seem to be windows to another reality, her own world. I like to think my girls live in some parallel world with her world and sometimes they see each other passing by, exchange friendly wave.

Second smile is for Dino Valls. The dark atmosphere of his work fascinates me, and has been with me for some time. I can not expain it but it is still somwhere arround the corner.

The third is for you. I know that seriousness is important, but it is not worth to concentrate only on it. Very close to me a person, has the habit of laugh of every problem or difficult topic, which sometimes drives me crazy, but more and more often I see something in this, good method to deal with difficult things.

So, I made my joke, and I hide a few things in the painting. There is a monster on the skin, a cat whose only eyes and ears you can see, cartoon bear with rounded ears, a snail (black, without the shell, appers very often at summer in Poland), a praying mantis who also looks like the letter F, small heart, a very strange pelican and big cow with lean legs.
