
„Grey” oil on canvas, 100/80cm, 39,5”x31,5” 2016

Fear, I am not sure why, I always associate with the grey color and a soap (not these colorful and fragrant, but an ordinary soft soap/in Polish language we call it the ‚grey soap’). A soap cleans, neutralizes our protective armor – the skin, removes all from it – both – the dirt and the good bacterial flora. A soap reminds me a reset, the new beginning. I feel that this three things : the grey color, grey soap and fear are connected somehow. This painting is about the third thing – the fear – of a good kind, mobilizing and helping in concentration. I am not talking about the thrill nor about the fear that paralyzes. It is about the fear, which we feel just before an important business meeting or before an exam, result of which we care very much. The emotion that accompanies us, when we try something more difficult than usual, something new. Such fear effectively mobilizes us to the maximum concentration, that we can not see anything beyond what we have to do. Everything else does not count. There is no object, no background, no surroundings, no colors and even no clothes – nothing beyond what is in front of us. The pure focus – but you are confident that everything will be fine :).

The color was always very significant in my paintings, I can even say that was one of my main characters. The same moment when I became aware of this, (maybe a little contrarily) I wanted to paint something more than that, something more difficult, something I have not done before, almost a monochrome painting.

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